Long-form writing has been one of the biggest changes I've made in my life

This should only take about 7 mins to read.


Writing has changed everything for me; start today and it will do the same for you!

150 days of writing (consistently):

I've shipped 2-3 pieces of content per day across Twitter and LinkedIn.

  • 2M+ Impressions on Twitter.
  • 1M+ Impressions on LinkedIn.

Long-form writing has been one of the biggest changes I've made in my life, and it only happened 6 months ago.

My Daily routine:

The first thing I do in the morning (after I walk my dogs) is write in my Journal. Yes, I started handwriting. This helps me cleanse my brain. When I get to my desk, I take time to do one piece of long-form writing in Notion. I take that piece of long-form writing and extract different ideas, topics, and things that stand out. Some of it is repetitive, and some of it is completely new.

Most of the time, my long-form writing goes off on tangents and multiple ideas. Over time I've been able to reel that in a bit and stay on topic, but I use it as a daily exercise to get thoughts out of my brain. Repetition.

Writing changed my mental state:

Writing consistently has unlocked the ability to express myself in a deeper way that I was never able to do before I started.

It's a great brain exercise and a release, literally therapy. You are using a muscle that has endless possibilities and output. Everything we do, we process throughout the brain, and the ability to pull information out and put it into words seems simple, but it's not.

  • It allows you to be free
  • Your words belong to you.
  • Write like you, but write clearly.

When you talk to yourself, you don't remember that conversation. Writing something down, you never lose that thought. It sticks. It's visual. It's there. It's a way to embed it into your thought process for the future.

I have immersed myself into writing. It's a safe place for being vulnerable.

Writing helps me with:

  • Remembering.
  • Learning.
  • Understanding.
  • Appreciating.

Writing is a secret weapon for entrepreneurs:

Every day I write, I give my brain the ability to think more clearly. It allows me to communicate clearly with the people that I work with. It allows me to distill my new ideas in a way I couldn't before.

If you're starting a new business or side hustle, take time to braindump everything first. Write it in a Google Doc (or Notion), wake up in the morning, and reread it. Then go one level deeper. Keep writing until you feel like you've detailed the idea until you're satisfied. It takes a bit to get there, but the end-result is clarity, and that's important.

My appreciation for writing:

The crazy thing is I am not a big reader when it comes to books; I prefer audiobooks. When it comes to online content (newsletters, tweets, etc.) I am all in on the reading. Then I run into great writers like Julian Shapiro, David Perrell, and others, making storytelling a bit different and unique. It's beautiful.

I believe that everyone (over time) finds their voice. No one else has that same voice and style. There can be similarities, but your wordplayβ€” you own that. It's your asset that never depreciates; it only appreciates if you stay consistent.

I aspire to write a book at some point in my life.

Action step β†’ Start a daily journal:

Start off by writing thoughts without any format or restrictions. As your brain releases it, get it on paper. It's the raw process of distilling something that you can't express any other way.

It's an absolute gamechanger.

Top of mind topic: Stress.

We all deal with a level stress whether it's financial, physical, mental, or all of the above. Figuring out ways to deal with it and manage it has it's own challenges. Stress for me comes in waves, but my creative side of my brain kicks in to figure out ways to deal with it.

2-3 of the tweets from the week.

Tweet 1: Awesome resources for some of the best marketing books out there by Kenny (who was also on my podcast).


Tweet 2: An amazing thread on Writing by Rob Lennon.


Tweet 3: Here is a Thread I put together for people to easily connect their Upwork job feed to Slack.


Podcast stuff:

Let’s continue Season 2 with an awesome conversation I had with Kenny Smithnanic. An expert on all things marketing and currently a head of ecomm at Mint Mobile.

  • Kenny attributes a big part of his success in digital marketing and e-commerce to a conference on evolutionary anthropology that he attended. This was the first time he saw academic studies and got a chance to talk to people about them afterward. He started understanding that there is an explanation of how and why humans behave a certain way. He started using this knowledge as a basis for his efforts in marketing and started observing human behavior through a different lens to improve conversions.
  • In addition to his work at Mint Mobile, Kenny mentioned that he would like to build a SaaS business. Currently, he is unable to do it due to time constraints, but in the future, he might play around with the idea of combining it with his interest in conversion rate optimization and helping people solve their problems.

We covered a lot of very interesting topics during the episode. I would definitely recommend checking it out if you want to hear us talk about building a personal brand and leveraging it for business, the importance of momentum, the hardest part of growing on Twitter, and other things.


Check out the Podcast Episode


One tool I like or use:

Tool of the week: Chrome Capture (Gif)

URL: Chrome Capture Tool (Extension)​

Why Chrome Capture is so awesome:

It's so damn easy to use to create GIF's. It happens in the browser without having to download apps, do editing, etc. I needed to create something for Twitter this past week and all the other tools were absolutely crap. Chrome Capture just WORKED, no issues.


That's a wrap for issue #20

Email me at z@zlatkobijelic.com if you are building something. I'd love to know what you're working on and if there is anything I can do to help you.​

Random question:​
What's the biggest stress in your life at this very moment?



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