Building patience takes time. Overnight success is not reality; focus on the journey and building something for the long term.

Patience is your best friend.

Building patience takes time. Overnight success is not reality; focus on the journey and building something for the long term. When you start a new business, you quickly learn to be ok with the unknown, and you have to be patient with the process of learning as you go.

Patience also allows you to make better decisions and build resilience when things don't go exactly as you hoped.

Curiosity powers your mind.

Curiosity drives everything you do, whether you know it or not. As kids, when everything was new to us, we questioned everything. As we get older, our attention starts to focus on what drives us: sports, tech, entertainment, etc.

Allow your mind to wander and ask questions about anything that strikes your interest. Continue to lead with curiosity in anything you do; it's the best tool we have as humans.

Imperfection is your unique cheat code.

Stop trying to be perfect. Your definition of perfect is entirely different from the next person; it's an unachievable dream (I hate to break it to you). There is no such thing as a perfect athlete, a perfect artist, or a perfect writer. When you see someone doing something great, you see years of trial and error that have compounded. Your imperfections are what allow you to continue learning and getting better.

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