Most people get discouraged when they think about starting a business or side-hustle. I am here to tell you that there are endless business opportunities around you at any given time.

Most people get discouraged when they think about starting a business or side-hustle.

I am here to tell you that there are endless business opportunities around you at any given time. It requires you to look at something, flip it ten different ways and find that niche. You have to dig deep and see what value you can offer and what interests you.

Start thinking outside of the box.

Most people's first thoughts are:

  • I don’t know where to start.
  • The industry seems saturated.
  • What if... what if... what if...
  • And every other reason in the book.

Let’s take Airbnb because many people feel that they missed the boat on AirBnB by not buying a house and renting out. Purchasing a home specifically for Airbnb and renting it out is a significant risk; it’s a large amount of money to invest without a guaranteed return (ROI).

I take that opportunity and go a bit deeper: how do I offer something to the people that are Airbnb hosts? What can I do to make their lives easier and build my business on top of the Airbnb business?

Here are a few off the top of my head:

Airbnb Side-hustle #1.

Start a local cleaning service for people that rent their houses on Airbnb. Be their go-to person to clean all of their properties. Do a good job; they will tell their friends who may have short-term rental properties and create that flywheel.

Airbnb Side-hustle #2.

Figure out the essentials that each AirBnB host needs at their property, source those products, and start selling them as a subscription service every month.

Airbnb Side-hustle #3.

Start a photography business, focus specifically on AirBnB hosts, and target those people. Take awesome pictures, learn to edit those pictures, bring uniqueness to them, and create that flywheel.


Yes, there are other people already doing this. What makes you different is your perspective and your approach; differentiate yourself. All you have to do is start. It’s a small upfront investment that can open you to different possibilities. You can find these types of opportunities in a lot of big industries. Get creative.

Learn the business, bring value to your customers, save your money, and buy your first house to rent out on Airbnb if that’s genuinely what you want to do.

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